Plant Powered Food Freedom

Finally break free from Food Prison so you can reclaim the health you deserve, maintain a right-sized body, & enjoy lasting peace around food and fulfill your vision of a long, active, vibrant life.

Your chance for food freedom is gone in...

If you...

  • Have tried dieting, exercising, and using sheer willpower to lose weight and get healthy, only to burn out a few weeks later...

  • Try eating more vegetables and less junk food but still struggle to resist cravings....

  • Succeed at eating healthy for a few weeks, but always end up back in your old, unhealthy eating habits (and your prior physical state) when all is said and done...

  • Sit around at home instead of taking your kids on that fun hike, missing out because you lack the energy to keep up and your joints ache...

  • Take medications for a chronic health condition that you’d rather not be on for the rest of your life because the side effects make you feel awful, but you keep taking them because diet & lifestyle changes feel too difficult or unsustainable...

  • You feel out of control around food, especially sweets; you have a cookie, thinking you’ll stop after just one, but before you know it you’ve eaten the entire box...

  • You rely on sheer willpower to say “no” to foods you know you shouldn’t eat, but you cave after a few weeks or even at the end of a hard day...

If this is you, then you're caught in what I call Food Prison...

You Know Better But Are Struggling with Execution

You know that you should be eating more healthfully but you struggle to execute.

It's not your fault!

Your brain has been hijacked by the sugary, salty, fatty, oily, highly palatable, processed foods that surround us every day.

Food addiction changes your brain and convinces it that eating such foods is necessary for your survival.

And THAT is why it is SO HARD to stop.

Without a way to escape the Food Addiction Trap, your weight will continue to rise, your health will continue to decline, and thoughts about food will continue to dominate your mind.

Controlled by Cravings

My cravings and food obsession dictated my actions all day, every day. I had been vegetarian and very health conscious since I was 12 years old, but still addicted to sugar and dairy, especially cheese; I knew intellectually what I should and shouldn't be eating, and I wanted to eliminate these addictive substances from my diet but just couldn't muster the self control to make it happen.

I was well educated on the health benefits of a whole foods plant based diet and aspired to that ideal, but there was a disconnect between what I knew in my head and what I was actually doing. To execute, to give up my 5-a-day chocolate bars and all sweet things felt impossible. I felt destined to be a slave to this all my life.

Dominated by Food

I was there, not too long ago: hanging onto the baby weight after 4 pregnancies, hating how I looked in photos, and feeling like my body was slowing me down and getting in the way of enjoying the physical activities I once loved, like running, yoga, and wrestling with my kids on the floor.

I knew I needed to do something about my weight, but I also knew that diets didn't work long term, so I didn't even bother trying. Besides, my mind and life were dominated by food.

While finishing a plentiful meal I would already be thinking about when and what I would eat next.

I would try having just one cookie, but one would lead to another and I'd end up polishing off the entire package.

I would get up from working on the computer to march downstairs and get myself a chocolate bar to munch on because I was bored, at least a dozen times a day.

I would pop something sweet into my mouth when my kids were screaming and fighting just to be able to deal with the overwhelm.

I would sneak food from the pantry and hide in the bathroom to eat it so my kids wouldn't bother me and my husband wouldn't see me, because I was embarrassed.

You Know Better But Are Struggling with Execution

You know that you should be eating more plant-based foods and less sugar, animal-based, and processed foods, but you

struggle to execute. It's not your fault! Given this crazy toxic food environment we live in, being bombarded by messages to eat sugary, fatty, processed, and animal-based products,

your brain has been HIJACKED.

These addictive foods change your brain and makes it believe that eating these foods is necessary for your very survival, and THAT is what

makes it SO. DARN. HARD. to stop.

Without a way to escape the Food Addiction Trap, your weight will continue to rise, your health will continue to decline, and thoughts about food will continue to dominate your mental space.

Tight on time and worried that Whole Food Plant Based cooking is complicated?

Don't worry, I'm a super busy entrepreneur mom myself and don't have time to spend hours in the kitchen preparing complex recipes. I'll show you my time-saving tips for making Whole Food Plant Based eating simple & easy, without spending hours in the kitchen. Hesitant about spending money on yourself when there are so many other things that feel more important? I get it. I'm the budget-keeper in my household and every expense gets carefully weighed.

I invite you to consider this: How much will your medical bills be if your weight & health continue on their current trajectory? (The average American spends about $13,000/year on healthcare.) How much money will you save when you are no longer buying and consuming excessive amounts of snack foods and animal products? And finally, if you knew that this program would add years, maybe decades, of vibrant, active life and time and experiences with your children & grandchildren, how much would that be worth to you?

Life is Passing You By ...

I was there, not too long ago: hanging onto the baby weight after 4 pregnancies, hating how I looked in photos, and feeling like my body was slowing me down and getting in the way of enjoying the physical activities I once loved, like running, yoga, and wrestling with my kids on the floor. I knew I needed to do something about my weight, but I also knew that diets didn't work long term, so I didn't even bother. Besides, my mind and life were dominated by food. While finishing a plentiful meal I would already be thinking about when and what I would eat next. I would try having just one cookie, but one would lead to another and I'd end up polishing off the entire package.

I would get up from working on the computer to march downstairs and get myself a chocolate bar to munch on because I was bored, at least a dozen times a day. I would pop something sweet into my mouth when my kids were screaming and fighting just to be able to deal with the overwhelm. I would sneak food from the pantry and hide in the bathroom to eat it so my kids wouldn't bother me, and my husband wouldn't see me,

because I was embarrassed.

Hi, my name is Dr. Katie Gatica

For years I knew that it wasn't so much about knowing WHAT to eat, but about how my brain controlled my eating behaviors and habits. I had the sense that I needed to somehow reprogram my brain to fix this problem but didn't know how.

It wasn't until I learned about the science of food addiction that it all clicked for me. With that, combined with the science of habit formation and whole food plant based nutrition, I was finally able to free myself from food prison, lose 65 pounds, and regain my sense of self.

This can be your reality too...

Imagine a reality where ...

  • You live in a right-sized body full of vibrant health and boundless energy, hiking mountains with your kids without struggling to keep up.

  • You feel confident and comfortable in your skin. You smile when you look in the mirror and show up confidently in family photos, proud to capture memories of you with your kids.

  • You make healthy, whole food plant based choices easily & unconsciously.

  • You are no longer a prisoner to food addiction.

  • Food is hardly ever on your mind anymore - it is simply fuel and no longer controls you.

  • Your food obsessions and cravings are GONE, and you have reclaimed your power and control over food for the rest of your life.

  • Your newfound health, energy, and mental clarity enable you to connect with and serve others more deeply, and become the higher person you feel deep in your soul you are being called to be.



Show off just how much easier, lighter, happier, better things will be when this solution is placed into their lives.


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How can you drive home the results more? Get as specific as possible. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducim.


How can you drive home the results more? Get as specific as possible. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducim.


Plant Powered Food Freedom

Plant Powered Food Freedom is a highly supportive and individualized 6-month coaching program designed to help participants achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, regain their overall health and wellbeing, overcome food addiction, and create habits to sustain their health for a lifetime.

This program is designed to take you from Food Prisoner to lean and healthy Food Conqueror.

What is the Plant Powered Food Freedom process?


In this pillar we will utilize an easy-to-follow WFPB weight loss food plan so that you can start losing weight and healing your body and get on a path of feeling more comfortable & confident in your skin, having more energy to be active with your kids (take them hiking, ice skating, etc.); get powerfully nourishing meals into your body w/ quick prep solutions so that you can save time in the kitchen and finally feel in control of your eating & your health.


In this pillar you will heal your brain from food addiction so that you can become completely free from cravings and food obsession, so that you can focus on things that matter more than food - your career, serving others, playing actively with your kids, and becoming the person you feel deep down inside you were meant to become. You'll discover a deep sense of peace as you gain control and choice over what you put in your mouth. 


In the third and final pillar you will reprogram your subconscious brain so that you naturally choose foods that support your continued weight loss and health without exhausting willpower battles, making dieting and weight struggles a thing of the past.  We do this through the Elite Brain Training System, leaving you feeling confident, accomplished, prepared, and victorious because you will have solved your weight and health issues for good!

A quick summary of everything you’ll get inside the program:

  • Plant Powered Food Freedom ($6,000 value)

  • Laser-focused 1:1 coaching calls so that you can be clear and stay focused on your personal goals ($12,500 value)

  • Weekly group coaching calls with Dr. Katie so that you can get personalized guidance, overcome your unique challenges, and maintain forward momentum ($10,500 value)

  • The 4-Step Food Urge Dismissal Formula so that you can eliminate those pesky, compulsive food thoughts and be free from undesired food urges forever

  • Dr. Katie's Elite Brain Training System so that you can quickly and completely reprogram your brain for a lifetime of easy, healthy eating

  • Easy-to-follow WFPB meal plans so that you know exactly how to eat for weight loss and for a lifetime of sustainability

  • Bite-sized, no-fluff video trainings so that you can learn at your own pace all the things you need to know and do to succeed at a WFPB diet, overcome addiction, and create lifelong habits 

  • Concrete tools for changing your mindset around food, dieting, and “failure”

  • Practical tools for keeping WFPB meal prep simple

  • Guided meditations to help you manage your food thoughts like a pro

  • Access to our private client-only support group so that you can feel connected and supported on your journey

  • Worksheets to help you solidify your learning and take concrete action toward your goals

    …and more.



Are there limited quantities? Limited time? Special offers? Explain and give a reason WHY they must take you up on the offer today.

This is your scarcity. You must have some sort of scarcity to encourage immediate action.

Sign Up Now and Receive the Following Bonuses!


Plant Powered Food Freedom Cookbook

Dozens of delicious, WFPB recipes that follow the Food Addiction Recovery formula, so that putting together a nutritious and satisfying meal, with the right ingredients and in all the right quantities, is quick and easy.

$50 Value


Elite Guided Visualization Tracks

Use a powerful tool that elite athletes use to hone their skills, and rewire your brain twice as fast!

$200 Value


Private Facebook Group

Connect with a loving, supportive community on your health journey.


Marco Polo Access

Daily direct access to Dr. Katie for accountability & support.
With this video messaging app you can ask Dr. Katie questions, get fast support in moments of food crisis, personalized guidance on how to navigate challenges as they pop up, and stay on track from day to day, moment to moment. 

This will be a powerful tool to help you through the hard parts with confidence.

$7,500 Value



With A Powerful Tagline That Gets Them Excited To Buy Today!

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TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Today's Price = $297


"When I started working with Katie, I had lost 90 pounds over a year and a half.  I worked so hard and was so afraid of gaining it back like I had in the past.  I knew I needed a plan and structure to stick to, to keep it off.  I was enjoying my new sized body and feeling healthier with a lot of energy.  My weight was the lowest I could ever remember being.  I knew I needed help to keep it off, so I turned to Katie for help.

Before I started my weight loss journey, I never realized that I was a food addict.  I used food for a plethora of reasons – hunger not being the main one.  I used food to calm and soothe my frustrations, anger, and overwhelm.  I used food when I was bored and tired.  I didn’t like salads, rarely ate fruits and vegetables and bread and chocolate were my go-to food for any reason.  The staff room at my school always had a supply of those foods to help me get through a tough day of teaching. 

Working with Katie helped me create and solidify my healthy food plan and make it fit my needs.  We talked about my exercise program, and she helped me identify my hunger levels and what they were telling me. She suggested that I should eat more to give my body the calories it needed. That was a hard concept for me as with dieting, I had the mental and emotional mindset to decrease food, not increase it.  But adding extra vegetables and a good protein was what I needed.  I really appreciated that she listened, knew exactly what I needed and gave me “permission” to add the foods I needed while still maintaining my integrity to eat as healthy as possible.  She helped me customize my food to fit my needs and wants too! She helped me identify the inner parts of myself that sabotage my healthy efforts and helped me work with those parts to understand their messages and use them for my benefit.

Today, I am the healthiest, thinnest, and happiest I have ever been about my food, my weight, and my body.   Katie played a crucial role in my health journey, which I am very grateful for."


"Katie has been a wonderful support for me on my journey to be healthy! I highly recommend her expertise if you want to make changes in your life to feel the best you can be!"

Jan Rescia

Before joining PPFF, Katrina found it impossible to resist candy if it was within sight, and got drive-through almost every night because she regularly craved fried food.  Now, she says,

I don’t even think of fast food.  Last weekend my friends had a little get together and I was just not even interested at all in the cookies, chips, starburst… I just didn’t have any of it.”


"Katie has been a wonderful support for me on my journey to be healthy! I highly recommend her expertise if you want to make changes in your life to feel the best you can be!"

Jan Rescia

Becky came to PPFF because she was at her breaking point with her asthma.  She is a busy mom to 4 little kids, and it was difficult for her to keep up with their active lifestyle due to constant asthma attacks.  She was using her inhaler 4 times a day.  

She says, “I was out of control the way I used my inhaler.  I could control my asthma with my inhaler, but I didn't feel like that was the kind of control I wanted.  I was at my breaking point. I was angry because I felt like I couldn't take care of myself when I had this many kids, because stress induced my asthma. Lack of sleep did too. I felt like I was suffocating under all this. I was really frustrated and praying about it a lot. We’re active, my kids are busy.  My lifestyle didn’t line up with how I was feeling.” 

After joining PPFF and following the structured WFPB eating program for just 3 weeks, her asthma symptoms improved significantly and she no longer needed her inhaler on a daily basis.  In fact, at just 3 months in, she is now celebrating over 5 weeks completely inhaler free.  That is the longest she can ever remember going without her inhaler.

She says, “I feel really good because I feel like I'm taking care of myself and I don't have asthma.”

She has also lost over 17 lbs.  About her weight loss she says, “I look at myself, and I'm like, wow, I'm like there, and I'm not really trying, whereas before it felt like a lot of effort to make myself go to exercise class.”

She is also sleeping better and now able to wake up in the mornings without feeling super tired; she used to sleep in when she could, but now she gets up early to do yoga, meditate, and get ready for her day.  

As an added surprise bonus, she says she is also no longer losing hair like she usually does in her postpartum periods, and says, “I'm sure it has to do with what I'm eating.”


Virlyn developed an addiction to food in adulthood during the emotionally draining and difficult early years of her intensive-needs daughter’s life. 

Though she is still reluctant to label herself a food addict, she has been proactive about breaking free from her reliance on food as a source of comfort. 

She has been vegan for 25 years but was still turning to sugar and processed foods in times of stress (which, let’s be honest, is all the time!).  Raiding the pantry and binging on everything she could find in there used to be a regular thing. 

Now, practicing a structured WFPB lifestyle, she’ll sometimes eat more broccoli than she intended to, but the pantry binges are a thing of the past.


"Katie has been a wonderful support for me on my journey to be healthy! I highly recommend her expertise if you want to make changes in your life to feel the best you can be!"

Jan Rescia

“Dr. Katie approaches nutrition, just like she approaches everything else; with knowledge, clear expectations and compassion! For several months, she provided me nutritional coaching that fit my specific medical needs. She gave me tips and tricks that got me through the holidays, and I was to able to progress quickly into a much healthier, sustainable lifestyle! I still think of her tips daily as I make choices. She has been a corner stone of my path forward and I am extremely grateful! I attribute my success primarily to Dr. Katie’s coaching and I highly, highly recommend!”


To achieve lasting weight loss, health, and food freedom, you need to know not only what to eat but how to unblock your brain so that it stops sabotaging your efforts. This is not just another unsustainable “lose 30 lbs in 10 days” crash diet that abandons you to regain the weight once it’s over.

This is an elite caliber brain training program designed to create permanent changes in your brain that will result in lifelong automatic behaviors that align with your weight, health, and food freedom goals, eliminating willpower battles and yo-yo dieting once and for all.


Remember them of the scarcity. That waiting will have consequences

Plant Powered Food Freedom

Start your Whole Food Plant Based Food Freedom Journey TODAY

Plant Powered Food Freedom ($6000 value)

Personalized 1:1 Coaching ($12,500 value)

Momentum Group Coaching ($10,500 value )

Elite Guided Visualizations ($200 value)

Plant Based Food Freedom Cookbook ($50 value)

Easy-to-Follow WFPB Meal Plans ($200 value)

Marco Polo Access x6 months (8 spots available) ($7500 value)

TOTAL VALUE = ($26,450)

Today's Price:

Get Started Today for Only $497

(then 5 Monthly Payments of $497)


Save $385 when you pay in full

Pay in Full Price = $2597

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What exactly will it will look like to join PPFF for the next 6 months?

As soon as you complete your registration, you will have instant access to the membership portal which contains video trainings that walk you through the 3 Pillars of Plant Powered Food Freedom, my signature approach to weight loss, disease reversal, and food addiction recovery, so you can start implementing right away.

First things first is we will schedule your 1:1 Food Freedom Kickoff Call so that you can get crystal clear on your goals and your path toward achieving them, and lay out a highly personalized plan just for you.

Your first steps will be to complete a couple self-assessments that will help you better understand where you fall on the food addiction continuum, and how your current health, wellbeing, and relationship with food measure up.  This will be important information for you to have and compare with as you progress through the program!

You will then decide on which food plan you want to follow, depending on whether you want to lose or maintain your current weight.  Both plans clearly outline what to eat each day (for example, we eat nearly a pound of vegetables at lunch and dinner, at least two servings of fruit each day, plenty of plant based proteins, and some plant based fats as well) but they are flexible, too!  The specifics are up to each person and their preferences.

You then start learning how to dismiss food urges, so that when your brain tells you to eat something that is not aligned with your health goals, you can simply brush it off without letting it affect you or control your actions.

You also start learning how to create automaticity and habits related to your food behaviors, so that consistently choosing health-promoting, plant-based meals becomes an effortless, unconscious process that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.

Q: Are live coaching calls a part of the program?

Every week we will have a Zoom coaching call with the group.  We will have a special kick-off call on Thursday, June 1st at 2 pm PST.  The day and time of the recurring call will be open to discussion with the group to ensure we find a schedule that works well for everyone. I block off an hour for these calls, but I am happy to stay on until everyone’s needs are met. 

On these calls we focus on celebrating your successes and troubleshooting your sticking points, so that you can meet your unique challenges with clarity and confidence, and keep you progressing and on track toward your goals.

You will also have a dedicated 1:1 coaching call with me at the beginning, middle, and end of the program to make sure you are seeing the results you came for!

We also have an exclusive Facebook group so that members connect and support each other, celebrate wins, and get all your questions answered, any day, any time.  We really focus on love, service, honesty, and non-judgment, so you can feel connected, supported, and normal even with all the crazy challenges you may be experiencing (many of us are experiencing them too!).

This program is highly structured and supportive, but also highly individualized, so that you get exactly what you need to meet your personal health goals under your unique circumstances.

Q: What do we eat on the program?

No shakes, bars, supplements, or gimmicks here.  Just 100% whole, real, plant-based food, and lots of it.  Huge amounts of vegetables (some people say it’s almost too much for them!), whole fruits, whole grains (like oatmeal, rice, quinoa, etc.), legumes (think lentils, beans, soy, edamame), and nutritious plant-based fats (like nuts, seeds, olives, avocados).  

Q: Will we get 1:1 time with Dr. Katie?

YES!  You get 3 dedicated 1:1 calls with me over the course of the program.  You also get weekly calls with the group, where each person gets a chunk of time to speak with me one on one.  I stay on the call until everyone's needs are met. Plus the group coaching experience can be beneficial because you get to learn from things other members bring to the table as well.  If you're not starting to see results (e.g. weight loss, improved health markers) within 30 days, I'll get on a dedicated 1:1 call with you at that point to really dial in your program and make sure we get it working for you!

Q: I will be having a significant life event (e.g. traveling, a wedding, a surgery) at some point during the next 6 months.  Will it still be worth it to join the program now?  Will I be missing out if I’m not around for every single week?

Life always has a way of getting crazy, doesn’t it?  Will that ever change?  Don’t you want to learn how to face the craziness of life with automatic, healthy eating habits in place?  What better time to practice that than now, especially in a supportive program to help you navigate through it successfully!  No, you won’t be missing out.  In fact, all the more reason to have a coach on your side right now!

Q: This program sounds really restrictive.  Will I really be able to do it?

I totally understand.  If you’d asked me a few years ago if I thought giving up sweets, baked goods, and cheese in exchange for “peace of mind” would be worth it, I would have said, “No way!”  But here I am, sugar-free and not even missing it, and feeling freer than I ever have before. 

Which do you think is more restrictive: 

Missing out on life’s experiences like… 

  • Traveling because your body doesn’t fit in an airplane seat 

  • Ice skating with your kids because you’re too tired and can’t keep up.

  • Going on a walk around the lake and catching up with a good friend because your joints are too achy

  • Going to your granddaughter’s wedding because you’re stuck in the hospital getting treatment for a chronic disease flare-up

  • Seeing your great grandkids grow up because your life didn’t end up being as long as you’d hoped…

    Or missing out on foods like…

  • Sugar, flour, processed foods, and animal foods because they are making you sick, overweight, and holding your mind captive?

    I love the phrase “Choose your hard.”  Because you are going to have to choose something hard, either way.  Yes, giving up foods that you enjoy (but make you sick) is hard.  But so is living life in a body that is breaking down, causing you pain, and preventing you from living your dreams.

    The choice is yours. 

FAQ image

Q: I'm hesitant about the investment. Will I see a return?

Hesitant about spending money on yourself when there are so many other things that feel more important? I get it. I'm the budget-keeper in my household and every expense gets carefully weighed.

I invite you to consider this:

How much will your medical bills be if your weight and health continue on their current trajectory? (The average American spends about $13,000/year on healthcare.)

How much money will you save when you are no longer buying and consuming excessive amounts of snack foods and animal products?

And finally, if you knew that this program would add years, maybe decades, of vibrant, active life and time and experiences with your children and grandchildren, how much would that be worth to you?

Q: How much time will this require? Isn't plant-based cooking complicated?

Don't worry, I'm a super busy mother and business owner myself and don't have time to spend hours in the kitchen preparing complex recipes!

I'll show you my time-saving tips for making Whole Food Plant Based eating simple and easy, without spending hours in the kitchen.

A couple hours per week is all you really need to succeed.

Not sure if PPFF is right for you?

Book a free, no-pressure call with Dr. Katie to see whether PPFF can really help YOU achieve your health goals.

DISCLAIMER - This program will give you actionable steps to transition to a whole food plant based diet and overcome food addiction. Weight loss, health, and food addiction recovery results are not guaranteed; in fact, a lot of commitment, dedication, and hard work is involved to achieve results.


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